AccuReg CEO and Founder Paul Shorrosh featured in MedCity News article “Payers are erecting higher hurdles to care: How can hospitals clear them?”

AccuReg Founder, CEO, and MedCity Influencer, Paul Shorrosh, says prior authorization creates hurdles for staff and patients that regulations alone won’t solve.

Shorrosh says that while the intent of prior authorizations is to eliminate unnecessary procedures, they often result in multiple burdens to providers and patients–no-auth denials that cost hospitals time and money and unexpected bills for patients. Fortunately, “end-to-end automated authorization systems are evolving that will determine, submit, retrieve and engage patients digitally” according to Shorrosh. Specifically, automated authorization management is becoming more available as a result of payer reluctance to move toward electronic transactions. Furthermore, “providers have looked to technology companies to build automation tools using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and intelligent rules engines to navigate the ever-changing labyrinth of payer portals, rules and requirements.”

In the article, Shorrosh also explains how a denials prevention strategy, along with automated processes for determination, submission and retrieval can help hospitals save time, error and cost.

Read the full article from MedCity News.

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